The Girls wanted to make bread, but instead of making a big loaf, I thought it would be nicer to make rolls, so they could both have a go at kneading and rolling the dough. The rolls, then turned into Bunnies and the Bread Bunnies were born!
They’re extra cute and very simple and fun to make with the Littles…. have a go yourself!
This recipe makes 8 rolls, but you could make them smaller, you would just have to bake them for slightly less time.
- 2 sachets (14g) of fast-action dried yeast.
- 300ml of warm water
- 2 tsp of sugar
- 2 tsp of salt
- 500g of Strong white flour, plus extra for dusting
- Oil, for greasing
- Add your flour, yeast, salt and sugar into a large mixing bowl and stir until everything is fully combined.
- Add 300ml of warm water and gently bring the mix together to form your dough.
- Ideally you would have a mixer with a dough hook, if you do, knead your dough on a medium to high speed for 7-10 minutes, until it’s smooth and stretchy.
If you do not have a mixer, you can knead the dough old school! It will take longer, probably around 20 minutes, but it will give those bingo wings a workout and it’s a good stress reliever.
When you pull your dough, it should be stretchy and smooth. If it breaks when you pull it, you will have to knead it for longer to build up the elasticity.
Tip: To hand knead dough: dust your surface with a little flour, tip your dough out on to the surface and with one hand, hold one side of the dough and with the other, push the dough from the middle away from you with the heel of your hand, lift your dough that you have pushed away and bring it back into the middle. Squash down with the heel of your hand and repeat the process – pushing and folding back. If that doesn’t make sense, watch a ‘How to knead dough’ tutorial on YouTube. - When you’re happy with the consistency of your dough, split it evenly into 8 balls. They should be around 100g each.
- Roll each ball of dough, into an egg shape. You need to tuck all the seems underneath the dough to get a smooth top… see the image below.

- Pinch the front of your egg shapes to make little noses.
- Then with a large pair of scissors, lay them flat with the point towards the nose you have just pinched and snip, That will create the ears. Pull each ear forward to lift them away from the ‘body’ of the dough. See the image below.

- Loosely cover the whole tray with tin foil, securing at the sides. Then leave it in a warm place to prove for 45 minutes.
- They should be nice and big now, readjust the ears if you need to, then loosely recover the whole tray with tin foil, securing at the sides. This is to stop the ears from burning, as they will bake more quickly than the body of the rolls.
- Bake in a pre-heated oven at 190c/ Gas Mark 6 for 16-18 minutes, then remove the tin foil, and reduce the temperature to 180c/ Gas Mark 5 and bake for a further 2-4 minutes or until golden.
- Remove them from the oven, allow them to cool and then enjoy with your Little Bunnies. We had ours with tomato soup! Delish!
Don’t forget to tag @Choccolotties in your photos on social media… links are below.
Happy Baking.
Love, Keeley x
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